You can't sign in because of a "Missing Encryption Key" error. You will need to get an encryption key from one of the other operating workstations.
- Windward tables can be encrypted typically for PCI purposes to protect credit card information. We do allow the entire database to be encrypted or just selected tables. For a user to be able to access or login, you must have an “Encryption Key”.
You must be doing either of both:
- Install on a new machine
- Doing testing on your end using a customer data copy
You will need to contact the customer and get the Encryption Keys from “any” of their computers.
- Login to SystemFive with administrative privileges
- Go to Setup Wizard
- Payment Processing
- on the right side box, select Credit Card Info Tab
- Click on PCI Compliance Check (in blue)
- Click on the Key Management button (last one)
- on the new box that opens, go to File menu / Export
- save the .WKF file on the desktop or anywhere you want
- it might attempt to send a separate copy via email, you can cancel that
- To exit out of the window
- Return to the File Menu and click on Exit
- Click the NO button for the PCI Check box
- and logout of System Five