When attempting to process a credit card using Windward System Five. You may receive an "Error Client(dsiEMVX) No Connection to any Server!" message. This typically means Windward System Five cannot communicate with the server via the network connection.
How to fix a "No Connection to any Server!" error
The firewall on the server will require port 9000 outbound to be opened.
If using departments, check the payment processing settings. If no Datacap Netepay server is entered, copy the settings for the working department to all departments.
When making settings changes. You need to restart Windward System Five.
Ensure that Datcap service is running.
Use the "Test Servers" button to validate the department and servers being connected to.
- Ping test the server to ensure the network is working.
- If the EMV Netepay Server is using a hostname, attempt to use a direct IP address as DNS may not be working
- Open up port 9000.