Random Weight Barcodes

Random Weight Barcodes are barcodes which contain both the part number and the weight of the item. System Five random weight barcodes are in the format RW+[part number]+[weight]. When you scan one of these barcodes, it adds the item to the invoice and set the weight or quantity to the weight on the barcode. How the weight is interpreted depends on the options you have set for weights. The weight is multiplied by 1000. 

Random Price Barcodes

Random Price Barcodes are barcodes which contain both the part number and the total of the Item. System Five random price barcodes are in the format RP+[part number]+[price]. When you scan one of these barcode, it adds the item to the invoice, setting the quantity to 1 and the price to the price on the barcode. The price is multiplied by 1000.

It is important that you set the pre-amble on the barcode scanner, and define the pre-amble in the Setup Wizard, Point of Sale Devices. The barcode produced is a Code128 barcode, not a UPC barcode.

Random Weight Barcodes can be printed from shipping labels on an invoice for all items that are tagged as Sell by weight on the invoice.

To setup a label to print the random weight/price


Add a Random Weight or Random Price barcode on the Shipping label.


Auto Print Weight/price labels

The Shipping labels can be configured to print a label for each weight item on an invoice automatically when you exit the invoice. This setting is for each work station and must be set for each work station that you want to print these labels from.



An example of random weight barcode and random price barcode printed from System Five.

The first barcode is a random weight barcode. The part number is 50045 and the weight is 3.500


The second barcode is a random price barcode. The part number is 50045 and the total price is $52.50


If you are using a dedicated barcode printer, the codes are <RANDOMPRICEBARCODE> and <RANDOMWEIGHTBARCODE>
