
When moving a NETePay Datacap installation, as required in a server migration, you will typically need approval to move the deployment ID.  Contact Dan, Kevin, Craig, Charlene or Datacap to approve the move.  You must have the deployment ID to confirm we approve the correct exchange. 

We should be expecting a Datacap exchange request.  If we did not expect it, do not approve as threat actors could re-install a customer's Datacap to capture card and personally identifiable information. 

Contact Datacap for approval

When a Windward Software stakeholder is not available for approval, you can contact Datacap Technical Support at 215-997-8989

Email for Datacap Software Exchange Approval Request

Note that only Datacap installations purchased from Windward Software can be approved by Windward personnel.  If Datacap is supplied by Worldpay or Global directly, you and/or the customer will have to contact the processor for approval.

When performing a migration and moving datacap we need to approve this move.   Often the technician doing the migration in support will reach out to get this approved.  These get sent to DG Windward Datacap datacap@Windwardsoftware.com which is Craig, Dan, Kevin and Charlene.

  1. Search for DG Windward Datacapdatacap@Windwardsoftware.com
  2. Find the email using the deployment identifier typically shared by the technician.
  3. Click Approve Exchange.
    • An exchange must be completed within 6 hours of approval