The steps are:

  1. Open Start Menu
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Open System and Security
  4. Open Administrative Tools
  5. Open Services
  6. Locate WindwardConnectTraining (If installed) )
  7. Select Stop (If running, otherwise proceed to 8)
  8. The Stop button should change to Start
  9. Select Start
  10. Locate WindwardConnectProduction
  11. Select Stop (If running, otherwise proceed to 12)
  12. Select Start

    Creating RebootWindwardConnect.bat

    This batch file will locate the PID number of the  Windward Connect service then will force restart the WEBAPI Service.
    1. Open Notepad.
    2. Copy and paste this code to the notepad.

    FOR /F "tokens=3" %%A IN ('sc queryex WindwardConnectProduction ^| findstr PID') DO (SET pid=%%A) IF "!pid!" NEQ "0" ( taskkill /F /PID %PID% net start WindwardConnectProduction)

    3. Rename the WindwardConnectProduction with the Service name that is installed in the server.

    4. save it as RebootWindwardConnect.bat