This has been tested to work with the Honeywell 3800G, 1452G and 1472G Barcode Scanners as well as the HP ElitePOS 2D Barcode Scanner.vvThis is enabled with a single barcode scan with Ctrl+B otherwise known as the STX prefix.
Be aware that with Windows 10 you need to make an additional change to the Command Prompt to allow Ctrl characters to work. If you don't do this step in Windows 10 you won't see the Ctrl+B ( ^B ) character.
Open a search box and type CMD. This should find the CMD.EXE. Right click on it and select run as administrator. Right click the icon at the top left of the command prompt window and select Properties. Make sure that “Use legacy console (requires relaunch) is checked. Click OK and close the command prompt.
Print the PDF file above and scan the barcode
Now go to System5 / Setup Wizard / Point of Sale Devices / Barcode Reader
- Click on “Now Scan Barcode” button
- Scan any Item with a barcode
- Click “Save Settings” button
- Click “CLOSE” button on top to exit
If the programming sheet above for the 3800 doesn't work, you can try the following.
or print the attached document Config 2.pdf
Honeywell Voyager 1452g Alternate Configuration
1. Scan the #5 barcode (~ P R E B K 2 9 9 0 5 4 2 0 6) to program the STX on the scanner's prefix: voyager_1200_series_stx_prefix_etx_suffix.pdf