Will need to do the first 2 steps before deploying the WWC.

Go to the Windward Ecommer e Intregration: https://deploymentwebapp-prod2.azurewebsites.net/

Click Deploy Integration

Search for the customer. Then expand, choose either Training or Live. 

Dropdown Deploy Integration then choose Staging Core

Fill up the information below 

The TenantID will be provided by cloudOps on each customer.

For ServiceBus Queue Name use:

For production - queueWindwardConnectProduction + TenantId = queueWindwardConnectProduction44ffd711-1986-4047-b2a1-f773fe5a8ebf


For training - queueWindwardConnectTraining + TenantId = queueWindwardConnectTraining44ffd711-1986-4047-b2a1-f773fe5a8ebf

Just the first 2 steps:



Once your done, leave the window as is then try to start the WWC and you  should be good.