
Use this report is to determine which parts in System Five have had a price change.  Often this can be from the XO Lights Price Import utility.  This can be useful when you want to print new shelf labels for items receiving a price change.


How to configure an inventory report

You can configure a report using the design inventory report.

In System Five, open the navigator, Select Reports - Inventory Reports – Design Inventory Reports.

  • Type a meaningful name into the Report Name field.
  • Set your Sort By to Main Category
  • Set Select On to List Only Items In Stock (Quantity > 0)
  • And select the department if that is applicable.

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Click on the Filter tab.

  • Set the Price Change Start Date and End Date.
    This would be a date just before the price change and just after.
     If the price change happened yesterday, you should set the Start Date to the day before yesterday and the End Date to Today’s date.
  • Also, put a check in the check boxes for List and Retail. If you don’t use one of these two price schedules, select the available one.

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Select the Columns Tab and select Supplier, Supplier Part Number, Description, Available and Price 1.
You may select additional fields or substitute fields depending on the requirements of your shelf labels.
The Available field will allow for how many labels you wish to print of each label. When you are ready to print you will get the option to print the available quantity of each inventory label, or just a single shelf label.

Go back to the Report tab and save your report by clicking on the Save button.

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Now click the View button on the top left side of the menu bar to run the report.


How to print labels

Once the report has been completed, click the Label button on the top left of the menu bar to print your labels.

The information printed on the label will be dependent on the design of your inventory or shelf label.

If you have more than one label design, choose the label to print.

As mentioned earlier you will now be prompted to print the Quantity of Labels For Each Part.
Choose to Use Quantity (Items) or One Per Part (Shelf)

------ Created by Steve Wind March 25, 2024 ------