In the Navigator, from either General Ledger or Reports, choose Ledger Reports and then Profitability, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Menu locations
The Profitability Report shows you how much profit was made on inventory items. It also shows the cost of the items and the profit divided by the cost as a percentage. This percentage is referred to as the margin. This is what percentage of profit is being made on the items.
The Main Buttons
- Exit: This exits the Profitability Report.
- View: This brings up the Report tab, (see below), and creates the Profitability Report.
- Print: This prints the Profitability Report.
- Refresh: This recalculates the Profitability Report.
Figure 2: The Info tab
- Info: This tab lets you choose the book month and whether to show zero values on the report or not.
Figure 3: The Report tab
- Report: This is the report itself. This is what you will see on a printout. Again, if you de-select Show Zero Values in the Info tab you will not see accounts with a zero value. You can see the Account number on the left, the Month To Date (M.T.D.) and the Percent Margin). Notice you can see the Cost, Income and Profit for each item.
Figure 4: The Graph tab
- Graph: This is a graph of all the accounts. As you can see it can get a little crazy if business is doing well. You can adjust the graph with the slider bars on the right hand side. In the below picture you can see the most profitable item is 495 at a value of 25,872. Remember that these three digit numbers (495 for example) are part of your sub-categories.