Problem Description

How to Data Load picture files to update inventory in System Five to include the picture in the inventory record?


This video shows the steps required to load pictures to update inventory records.

1) Obtain picture files in an acceptable format (E.g. .jpg or .jpeg or .bmp or .gif) and save them in a folder on your computer. 2) Create a spreadsheet file that includes both the part number and the picture file name. a. If you save the spreadsheet in the same folder that has the picture files, include only the name of the corresponding picture file. Save the spreadsheet as a CSV file in the same folder with the pictures. b. If the spreadsheet is in a different folder than the pictures files you must include the full path as well as the picture file name. Save the spreadsheet as a CSV file. 3) Data Load the CSV file with the columns mapped to Part Number and Picture (note that the mapping to Picture is found under the first Misc heading option). 4) Check the options “Load into Regular Parts” and “Update existing parts and load others into Virtual Warehouse” and “Skip header row” (if required) and enter a category number of one of the parts (other parts will be updated even if they are not in this category). Click “Next” and follow the prompts until the Data Load has been completed.