You may encounter an issue where an inventory item has an incorrect on order quantity. The following steps below are recommended to solve the issue:

1.Using the Fix Quantity option

This should be the first step in troubleshooting for the Incorrect On Order quantity for an Inventory Item. It is important that you start with this step first before proceeding to the other solutions

Go to Inventory and Purchases >Inventory > Edit Item and select the inventory item that has an On Order Issue 

Verify if the On Order quantity for the Inventory item is incorrect

Turn on Supervisor Override and go to the Cost/Stock Levels Tab

Right Click on any of the table's columns and hit the Fix Quantity option

2. Using the Inventory Integrity Check 

If the Fix Quantity Option does not work, you can check for the Inventory Integrity of the System 

Go to General Ledger > Integrity Checks > Inventory Integrity 

Run the Check Inventory Option in the Integrity Check. 

3. Using the Toolbox Routine

If the issue is not fixed by the first two steps, you can run the Toolbox Routine to try and solve the issue. Before doing this step, make sure that you have created a back-up for the system in case of any unforeseen developments or issues that may arise. 

Go to Setup Tools > Utilities > Toolbox 

From the Toolbox Menu, go to Inventory Routines >Stock Control Routines > Fix PO Stock Records

Hit on Fix PO Stock Records and wait for the routine to finish 

This should solve the issue. But in the event that the issue still persists, please contact Windward Support at 1-800-663-5750 so that our next available technician can assist you further in resolving the issue.