If you are receiving the following popup when you download the screen connect app.   ConnectWiseControl.Client.exe

And you aren't able to get past this screen.

A user calls in for remote support
To get connected to their machine, they need to go to our support website help.wws5.com and enter the code to download the ConnectWiseControl.Client.exe program, then run it.
What we discovered is that when we download a program from a website and run it, Microsoft is superseding the file with a request window that says 'Microsoft recommends installing this app from the Microsoft store to help protect your PC'.
No matter which button or link we click on in that window it doesn't run the 
Instead, the ConnectWiseControl.Client.exe I downloaded was replaced with the Microsoft App for ConnectWiseControl.Client, which is completely different than the executable we were trying to run.

The Windows 10 October 2018 update  made some new 'default' actions.
One of them is that some files downloaded from third party websites are now circumvented with the request "Microsoft recommends installing this app from the Microsoft store to help protect your PC ".

The problem is that the Microsoft "app" and the file being downloaded from the third-party website are two entirely different things.

Here are the steps to fix the issue:
To disable the request "Microsoft recommends installing this app from the Microsoft store to help protect your PC," do the following:

 - Click Start, then click the cog wheel (settings).

 - The "Settings" window will appear. Click the "Apps" icon located near the middle left of the screen.

- The "Apps & Features" window will appear. Near the very top, the "Apps & features" heading is listed with the description "Choose where to get apps". "Installing apps only from Windows Store helps protect your device." The default option is "The Microsoft Store only (recommended)". Change it to "Anywhere".

  - Close the "Settings" window, open a browser and navigate back to help.wws5.com and enter the code from the support person.
You should now be able to download and run ConnectWiseControl.Client.exe from the support website and connect the support person to your PC.

*** NOTE ***

There may be an additional issue where Chrome is saving the file with a JNLP extension which is Java Network Launch Protocol. The only workaround at this time would be to connect to help.wws5.com using Microsoft Edge.

Created by Steve Wind March 8 2022