***ensure backup is completed prior to starting this process*** 

***this process should be done after hours to ensure no one is in the system as record locks will occur if someone is editing inventory records***

1. Designing Inventory report for Categories that will be subject for Price Calculation Method change.

A. Go to Inventory and Purchases > Inventory Reports > Design Inventory Reports 

B. Identify Inventory's Category, Supplier, etc. and select the following columns needed such as Category, Part number, Supplier, Description, List price, Cost/landed price, etc.

C. Click "View"

D. Once generated, you may now export it to excel. Right click > export to > external File to save it as CSV type.

 Note: If you have a Pricing Integration, you may skip this part or use the save the report as a backup in case you want to restore the original pricing.

2. Changing Price Calculation Method to "FIXED".

A. Go to Inventory and Purchases > Inventory Reports > Design Inventory Reports 

B. Identify Inventory's Category, Supplier, etc. that you will to change the Calculation method and select the following columns needed such as Category, Part number, Supplier, Description, List price, Cost/landed price, etc. 

C. Check on the box: Adjust inventory included in this report. (see figure 1)

Figure 1

D. The Inventory Price Schedule window should show up. Select the price level, you would like calculation method to change to FIXED. And change Reg. % to 100 (see figure 2)

Figure 2

E. Click ‘OK’.

F. Confirm ‘Update master default item with these options?’, you may click ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. (If you wanted to save the changes, you made to your default inventory item, click ‘YES’, otherwise, click ‘NO’.)

G Click on ‘View’ and then ‘Yes’

Figure 3

H. At this point all items on the selected categories has now updated their Price Calculation Method to "FIXED" and all prices are at $100.

3. Doing DATALOAD to correct the price of the inventory in the selected categories using the spreadsheet exported and saved. 

Note: If there is an integration that could take care of the pricing, then there's no need to do the data load to update the price.

A. Go to Inventory and Purchases > Data Load > Part Load (see figure 4)

Figure 4

B. Click "From File" (see figure 5)

Figure 5

C. You will then need to browse to the file you created in the previous section, and make sure that the drop down menu shows Comma Separated Values (*.csv). Select your file and click on open. (see figure 6)

Figure 6

D. Click Next to continue.

E. You will need to match all the columns with the appropriate column field from the drop down box (or right click on the column you wish to map). If you do not want to import a column, then you still must select the column, but select the column field named none. We recommend setting the columns you do not wish to load to 'none' so it is ignored.

F. Once all the columns have been named, click next.

G. Select Load into Update existing Regular Parts and load others into Virtual Warehouse, and Skip header row, and click next. If you are missing information/columns the Next button will not activate and a message will show in the bottom green area to indicate what is missing. (see figure 7)

Figure 7

H. Click Next to continue and click 'Load'

I. When the data load is complete, Click OK, then you can View the Log, which is a more complete listing of what was done during the data load, than what appears in this summary.

J. At this point all items in that spreadsheet should update their prices to the correct price and their Inventory Price Method Calculation is now set to 'FIXED'