
System Five has some options that can be used with shortcuts. To edit the file path in a shortcut, first, right-click on the shortcut and then select “Properties”.

Then the “Target” field is the one that needs to be edited. The default installation shortcut file path will not work, so shortcuts have to be changed to another format to work.

Good Format:

C:\Windward\System5\Bin\SystemFive.exe /machine=2


Regular Use

Where X is a numeric value. Normally either a Terminal or Department number.

  • /nosplash
  • /smallsplash=Y
  • /Department=X
  • /Dept=X
  • /forcemachine=X
  • /machine=X
  • /smallicons=Y
  • /invoicereuse=Y

Specialty Use

  • /auto=demo
  • /regserver
  • /oldscheduler
  • /oldicons
  • /formcustomize
  • /loginfile=<X:\path\to\login\file.alf>

Start In

The start in argument determines the default directory an application is opened by the shortcut starts in. If you select the _datafiles directory (data directory in current releases), then this shortcut will only open that data set. This also requires that you have successfully linked to the dataset previously.

Auto Login

The “auto=demo” will attempt an auto-login using the user name “demo” with the password of “demo”. This switch does not require the ”/”. The user name and password in System Five have to be exactly the same including the case of each letter. This option is seldom used anymore because PCI requirements won't allow a user name and password to be the same. There is an alternate setup with a command-line argument and an ini file that contains the login information, but it is usually used for replication and will require a Windward Software Employee to configure for you.


The “/nosplash” prevents the splash screen from being displayed. This is the full-screen background that pops up before the login screen comes up when first logging into system five.

Small Splash

The “/smallsplash=Y” prevents the splash screen from being displayed as an entire full-screen background that pops up before the login screen comes up when first logging into system five.


This is the same as the “/Dept=X” option below.


The “/Dept=X” defaults the user to a specific department, but does not force them the use that department. Since they may choose a different department even while in the software this is allowed. If it is necessary that a certain user only have access to one department please set up their user security in the setup wizard, to only allow access to that department. They will then be unable to log into another department.


The “/forcemachine=X” forces the user to use a specified terminal number, and does not allow the use of another terminal number. If that terminal number is in use or otherwise unavailable they will get a red box, and will not be able to log in. This is very useful when you have terminal-specific printer settings, as it prevents break scenarios that occur if a user switches to another terminal with terminal-specific printer needs.


The “/machine=X” defaults to a specified terminal number, but does not force them to keep that terminal number. The user may select another available terminal number.


The “/regserver” registers .exe files. There is also a “regsvr32” that registers .dll and .ocx files but it is applied through an elevated command prompt.


The “/oldscheduler” shows the scheduler as it was in 5.3x versions and earlier.


The “/smallicons” changes the Navigator icons to 16×16. All other icons remain at the 32×32 size.


This greatly improves the performance of Invoice loading. The consequence to this is it will have System Five use more available memory on a workstation and keep file handles open after closing an invoice.


The “oldicons” switch changes all the icons in System Five to the old pre-5.42 version icons. This switch does not require the “/”.


This particular argument is used with s5poll and s5standalone. The .alf file must be created through one of those programs first. This argument is then added to the s5poll.exe or s5standalone.exe shortcut to allow a non-privileged user to start the replication engine and have it work correctly.

loginfile Setup Instructions Employees only

Arguments For Debugging

  • /log=?.log
  • /debug
  • /delphirunning=Y


The “/log=” switch is used in situations where System Five is not starting correctly. To create a log file in the root of the C:\ drive, the switch would be “/log=c:\my_log_file.log”


The /debug Allows System Five to output a QUEST EFTpos receipt to the credit card tender screen at the point of sale. This should not be used under normal circumstances, and should only be used if approved by Windward Software Support or a Windward Software developer. REMOVE from the shortcut once tracing is done


The “/delphirunning=y” switch helps in tracking down issues with the PcEFTpos integration.
This should not be used under normal circumstances, and should only be used if approved by Windward Software Support or a Windward Software developer. REMOVE from the shortcut once tracing is done.