The Invoice Free-Form column feature improves the ease of use and tracking of customer’s purchases by allowing the user to add free-form columns on the invoice grid, that will hold necessary information of the purchased item. These columns can contain any type of information such as Color, Code or Room, etc. Moreover, the added free-form columns in the invoice are viewable within the customer record’s Purchase History and the Invoice Report.

Enabling the Feature

  1. Go to Setup Wizard under Setup Tools

  2. Select Miscellaneous

  3. Drop-down the Comments option

  4. Select Freeform Data Entry
    • Figure 1 shows the window where you will initially setup the invoice free-form columns.
    • By default, the selected Record type is Inventory. Select Invoice Line from the Record type drop-down list

      Figure 1. Free-form Data Entry Window
      Figure 1. Free-form Data Entry Window

  5. Start adding a column by clicking the Add button
    • Figure 2 shows the window that would open after clicking the Add button. In this example, a column “Color” is added. This is done by doing the following steps:

      • Step 1: Enter the column name in the Caption field.
        Step 2: Click on the “Add New Top-Level Item…” button. A small window would ask for the Key/Value information.
        Step 3: Enter the Key name in the Key field (Description field is optional). Click OK.

        Figure 2. Free-form Configuration Window
        Figure 2. Freeform Configuration Window

      • After clicking OK, the newly added Key which is Yellow should be listed as part of the Key/Value Tree as shown in Figure 3. Click OK to add the Color column as an Invoice Free-form column.

        Figure 3. After Adding a New Key or Value in the Tree
        Figure 3. After Adding a New Key or Value in the Tree

  6. In this example, three columns were added: Color, Code and Room. Figure 4 shows how the new columns are listed after being added.

    Figure 4. List of The Three Newly Added Columns
    Figure 4. List of The Three Newly Added Columns

  7. Close the Setup Wizard window

Renaming the Headers

  1. Edit an Invoice
  2. Right-click on an Item Line
  3. Select Line Free-form Comments as shown in Figure 5

    Figure 5. Selecting Line Freeform Comments
    Figure 5. Selecting Line Freeform Comments

  4. The Line Freeform Comment window would pop-up. Do the following as shown in Figure 6:

    Figure 6. Invoice Line Freeform Comments Window
    Figure 6. Invoice Line Freeform Comments Window

    1. Click on the Define Headings button
    2. Type in the Header names on the Header column. “Un-click” the Define Headings button after.
    3. You may select from here the Key/Value of each header for this Invoice Line Item. Click OK.

  5. After doing step 4, the Setup Wizard will also reflect the newly renamed headers as shown below in Figure 7.
    Figure 7. Newly Renamed Headers Reflecting in the Setup Wizard
    Figure 7. Newly Renamed Headers Reflecting in the Setup Wizard

Adding the Invoice Free-form Columns on the Invoice Grid

In order for the free-form columns to show in the invoice, the user must do the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the Invoice Grid
  2. Click Customize
  3. Select and Show the Freeform Comment Columns 1-3 (Please see Figure 8).

    Figure 8. Adding the Invoice Free-Form Columns on the Invoice Grid
    Figure 8. Adding the Invoice Free-Form Columns on the Invoice Grid

  4. Click OK

The three columns should now be showing in the Invoice Grid and the Keys/values can now be selected by clicking on each cell under each column as shown in Figure 9 below.

Figure 9. Selecting Key/value in the Invoice Items Tab
Figure 9. Selecting Key/value in the Invoice Items Tab

Viewing the Added Free-form Columns

The additional columns are added by simply customizing grids and showing them as columns (right-click on the grid > click Customize). Additional Columns, Invoice Item Free-form 1-3, are added and viewed on:

  1. The Recent Purchases tabs in Sales Invoice as shown in Figure 10.
    Figure 10. Recent Purchases Tab in a Sales Invoice
    Figure 10. Recent Purchases Tab in a Sales Invoice

  2. The Purchases Tab in Customer Account Record as shown in Figure 11.
    Figure 11. Purchases Tab in a Customer Account Record
    Figure 11. Purchases Tab in a Customer Account Record

  3. The View Tab in the Invoice Report
    1. Additional Configuration that needs to be checked as shown in Figure 12:
      Figure 12. Invoice Report Settings Tab
      Figure 12. Invoice Report Settings Tab
      • Show Detail
      • Show Invoice Lines
      • Show the Invoice Line Freeform

    2. The Columns must also be checked under the Free-Form Tab of the Invoice Report as shown in Figure 13.
      Figure 13. Invoice Report Free-Form Tab
      Figure 13. Invoice Report Free-Form Tab