Barcode and Text Fields

Topic overview

These form fields are available from the Barcode/text printer labels or the slip printer invoice printing.

Some fields do not work in all places. ie: KEYWORD only prints when printed from a shipping label.

System Five gives you total control over the content of the printed information.
To demonstrate the control that you have, an example of an Sales Warning/Up Sell Comment is used.
In our example, an Inventory Item has the following Sales Warning/Up Sell comment.

  •  All Sales Final!
  •  This item has been discontinued by the Supplier.
  •  To Staff: No Returns or Refunds without a Supervisors Approval.

 System Five views the comment above as 3 separate lines of text, thereby allowing the definition of labels that only print specific desired lines. The amount text printing from each line can also be controlled. For example: to print a label including the complete first line and only a portion of the second, the following syntax is used in the label definition:  

< N.COMMENT:1,-1>   This tells System Five to print the entire first line on the Warning.
< N.COMMENT:2,32> This tells the system to print the first 32 characters in the second line of the Warning.

The third line comment line and the portion of the second line that states 'by the Supplier' does not print. All three lines however are seen when the item is sold to customer or when the inventory item is opened for editing or viewing.

The anatomy of the field codes:
(N) = The Prefix
(.) = The period indicates the end of the prefix.
(COMMENT) = The field Code.
(:) = The Full Colon is used to indicate that a number is next.
(1) = The Number indicates the line or list item.
(,) = The Comma indicates that a Length value is next.
(-1 or a number) = The use of (-1) as a length tells the system to print all of the text in the line
= Another number, such as (20) prints the first 20 characters.

Advanced Inventory Control - Locations Examples

The following are some examples of location-specific labels:

Example 1 - Location Fields

B80,800,0,1,3,7,100,B,“<PART >”
A22,22,0,2,2,2,R,“<COMPANY.NAME,C >”

Example 2 - Inventory Location Fields


Example 3 - Location Fields


Inventory Fields

N.COMMENT:L,LEN The Sales Warning/Up Sell Comment L = The line number \\LEN = The length (-1 for all). 
N.FREEHEAD:L,LEN The Free Form 1 Comment Header Text L = The line number \\LEN = The length (-1 for all). 
N.FREEFORM:L,LEN The Free Form 1 Comment Data Text L = The line number \\LEN = The length (-1 for all). 
N.FREEHEAD.2:L,LEN The Free Form 2 Comment Header Text L = The line number \\LEN = The length (-1 for all). 
N.FREEFORM.2:L,LEN The Free Form 2 Comment Data Text L = The line number \\LEN = The length (-1 for all). 
P.COMMENT:L,LEN COMMENT:L;LEN The Invoice Comment Text L = The line number LEN = The length (-1 for all). 
PRICE.N The Selling Price, based on Price Schedule [N] N = The Price Schedule Number. Values from 0 to a Maximum of 99 
PRICE,-1 WHOLE COST The Cost Price PRICE,-1 – The Cost is padded to a length of 10 and Right Justified. WHOLE – The Cost is padded to a length of 7 and Right Justified. COST – The Cost is not padded and is Left Justified. 
CODE.-1 The Cost Price in a coded format. For more information on coded formats, see the link below. 
CODE.N The Selling Price, based on the Price Schedule [N] in a coded format. N = The Price Schedule Number. \\Values from 0 to a Maximum of 99 
SALE.N The Sale Price, based on the Price Schedule [N] N = The Price Schedule Number. Values from 0 to a Maximum of 99 
LIST The List or Price Schedule 0 selling price. 
ONSALE The word 'SALE' is printed if the item is on sale.  
ISALE.N The Sale Price, based on the Price Schedule [N], if the item is on sale.N = The Price Schedule Number. Values from 0 to a Maximum of 99 
TAX.N Tax on PRICE.N based on the taxes set on the item. N = The Price Schedule Number. Values from 0 to a Maximum of 99 
TAXPRICE.N Tax-Inclusive PRICE.N based on the taxes set on the item. N = The Price Schedule Number. Values from 0 to a Maximum of 99 
Category Number 
CATNAME Category Name 
ITEM Item Number 
Part Number 
The Supplier Part Number 
DESCRIPTION,LEN The Description of the Item LEN = -1 for the complete description. Any value between 1 and 255 is permitted. 
DESCINC \\DESCINCH The Description of the item with special formatting for any (“) in the text The (”) is replaced with (\“) to allow printing in accordance with the EPL2 programming language for Epson and Zebra Printers, 
In Stock (Sell Available) 
WO Quantity on Work Order 
LAY Quantity on Layaway 
Quantity on Order 
The High (Max) Quantity 
The Low (Min) Quantity 
LOCATE The Location NOTE: For Select Lot items, in the event that the Lot has not been selected, the Location of the Inventory Item is printed. 

Description 2 and Short Description fields aren't available in code based labels.

Inventory Location Fields (Advanced Inventory Control Only)

INVLOCATBARCODE The inventory location record location barcode. 
INVLOCATBARCODENUMBER The inventory location record location barcode human readable number. 
INVLOCATPART The inventory location record part number. 
INVLOCATPARTDESC The inventory location record part description text. 
INVLOCATHIGH The inventory location record high quantity setting value. 
INVLOCATPICK The inventory location record pick priority setting value. 
INVLOCATPUTAWAY The inventory location record put away priority setting value. 
INVLOCATTEXT The inventory location record location text. 
INVLOCATDATERECV \\(Printing from PO Only!) The inventory location record date stock was received on a purchase order. 
INVLOCATPONUMBER \\(Printing from PO Only!) The inventory location record purchase order number stock is ordered on. 
INVLOCATPACKSLIP \\(Printing from PO Only!) The inventory location record packing slip number stock is to be packed for. 
INVLOCATPARTBARCODE The inventory location record part barcode. 
INVLOCATPARTBARCODENUMBER The inventory location record part barcode human readable number. 

Location Fields (Advanced Inventory Control Only)

LOCATBARCODE The location record location barcode. 
LOCATBARCODENUMBER The location record location barcode human readable number. 
LOCATIONCOMMENT The location record comment text. 
LOCATIONPREVIOUS The inventory location record part description text. 
INVLOCATHIGH The inventory location record high quantity setting value. 
INVLOCATPICK The inventory location record pick priority setting value. 
INVLOCATPUTAWAY The inventory location record put away priority setting value. 
INVLOCATTEXT The inventory location record location text.
INVLOCATDATERECV \\(Printing from PO Only!) The inventory location record date stock was received on a purchase order. 
INVLOCATPONUMBER \\(Printing from PO Only!) The inventory location record purchase order number stock is ordered on. 
INVLOCATPACKSLIP \\(Printing from PO Only!) 
The inventory location record packing slip number for a purchase order stock is ordered on. 
INVLOCATPARTBARCODE The inventory location record part barcode. 
INVLOCATPARTBARCODENUMBER The inventory location record part barcode human readable number. 

Invoice Fields

DATE Invoice Date 
TIME Current Time (Not Invoice Time).  
TOTAL Invoice Total  
PAID Invoice Paid Amount  
BALANCE Invoice Balance  
SUB-TOTAL Invoice Sub Total  
CHANGE Tendered Change  
TAX NAME [N] Tax Name N = 1 to 8 for each of the 8 Tax Names possible in System Five. 
TENDER.N Tendered Amount N = 1 to 3 System Five allows up to 3 different Tenders on an invoice. 
TENDER.NAME.N The Name of the Tender (eg. VISA or CASH) N = 1 to 3 System Five allows up to 3 different Tenders on an invoice. 
CARD.NUMBER.N Credit Card Number for the Tender N = 1 to 3 System Five allows up to 3 different Tenders on an invoice. 
CARD.AUTH.N Credit Card Authorization Number N = 1 to 3 System Five allows up to 3 different Tenders on an invoice. 
CARD.NAME.N The Name on the Credit Card N = 1 to 3 System Five allows up to 3 different Tenders on an invoice. 
TENDER NAME C Name for the Tender Type C = A to Z were the letter matches the letter assigned in the Tender Setup. 
TENDER AMOUNT C Amount for the Tender Type C = A to Z were the letter matches the letter assigned in the Tender Setup. 
ICK Salesperson / Clerk Number 
CLERK NAME Salesperson / Clerk Name 
I.IPO Invoice PO Number 
TTL.DISC% Total Discount Percent 
TTL.DISC$ Total Discount Dollar Amount 
INVOICE TYPE  Invoice Type 
I.INVOICE NUMBER Invoice Number 
TIME OUT Rental Time Out [Optional Feature Required] The Rental Feature is an option of System Five 
TIME IN Rental Time In [Optional Feature Required] The Rental Feature is an option of System Five 
EARLYPAY TEXT Early Payment Discount Text 
EARLYPAY AMOUNT Early Payment Amount to Pay 
I.NOTE.N Invoice Note Line N = the line number of the note to print. 
I.JOB NUMBER Job Number if one is assigned to the Invoice [Optional Feature Required] Job assignment is a function of the Lighting Store Option for System Five 
I.JOB PO NUMBER Job PO Number [Optional Feature Required] Job assignment is a function of the Lighting Store Option for System Five 

Invoice Line Fields

PARTNO Part Number 
SUPP PARTNO Supplier's Part Number 
CAT+PART Category + Part Number 
DESCRIPTION Description form the Invoice Line May or may not be the same as the Inventory Item Description. 
PRICE Price of Each Item 
XTOTAL Extended Price (Line Total) 
LIST List Price 
COST Cost of the Item. 
XCOST Extended Cost (Line Total) 
PERC.DISCOUNT.SCHEDULE Discount from Customer's Normal Price Schedule. 
DISC% Discount Percent for the line 
DISC$ Discount Dollar Amount for the line.  
LTAX Taxable Y/N 
QUANTITY Quantity Sold / Shipped 
ORDERED Quantity Ordered 
KEYWORD Keyword Associated with item. 
TG.PART.N The Part Number of a Tag Along Kit Item N = a number representing the Tag Along kit item. Eg. TG.PART.1 would print the first part in the kit. 
TG.DESC.N The Description of a Tag Along Kit Item N = a number representing the Tag Along kit item. Eg. TG.DESC.1 would print the Description of the first part in the kit. 
TG.QUAN.N The number of Kits X the Kit Quantity for the Kit Item. N = a number representing the Tag Along kit item. Eg. TG.QUAN.1 would print the Extended Quantity of the first part in the kit. 
TG.KITQUAN.N The Quantity for the Kit Item as assigned in the Kit. N = a number representing the Tag Along kit item. Eg. TG.KITQUAN.1 would print the Quantity of the first part in the kit. 
RANDOMPRICEBarcode System Five Random Price Barcode 
RANDOMWEIGHTBarcode System Five Random Weight Barcode 
SERIAL.NUMBER The Serial Number of an Item 
SERAIL.NUMASBarcode The Serial Number above in a Scanable Barcode Format. 
SERIALBarcode The Barcode Number assigned to the Serial Number System Five has the optional ability to allow the assignment of a secondary number to each serialized item. See: Inventory Setup > Inventory Options 1 for details. 
LINECOMMENT:0 Dynamically prints the Line Item Comments. Example: If you enter a line item comment that contains 3 lines of text as follows: 5” x 8“ Not cut to size, But cut to fit. All three of the lines print. 
LINECOMMENT:N Prints the specific line item comment line referenced by the value in N N = 1 to ? Although there is no specific limit to the number of lines that a comment can contain, it would be impractical to include too many lines on a receipt or label. However, you may want to use the first line of the comment for a specific purpose and always include that text. LINECOMMENT:1 prints that information. 

Since the fields used for Customers, Suppliers and Brands are the same, System Five utilizes the following prefix values for the available fields:  

Customer Label Fields

The Prefix = C  The [C] prefix should only be used in the creation of Customer, Shipping Container and Shipping Part labels.  

Supplier Label Fields

The Prefix = S  The [S] prefix can be used for Supplier, Shipping Part and Inventory labels.  

Brand Label Fields  The Prefix = BRAND  The [BRAND] prefix can be used for Inventory labels ONLY.  

Ship To Label Fields

The Prefix = SH  The [SH] prefix can be used for Shipping Container and Shipping Part labels.  

The following codes can be preceded by the prefixes listed above to change the source of the information that is printed. Be sure to use the appropriate prefix for the desired label as mentioned above, otherwise errors result.  

NAME The full name 
ADDRESS 1 The first line of the address 
ADDRESS 2 The second line of the address 
ADDRESS 3 The third line of the address Choose either Address 3 & 4 or City & Postal, but not both as they print similar information. 
ADDRESS 4 The fourth line of the address As Above 
CITY The city As Above 
POSTAL CODE \\PC \\ZIP The Postal or Zip Code As Above 
PHONE 1 Phone 1 
PHONE 2 Phone 2 
PHONE 3 FAX Phone 3 (Fax number) 
TAX NUMBER The Tax Number from the Financial tab. 
CONTACT NAME Contact Name 
INFO Extra Info  
BALANCE Account Balance 
LIMIT CREDITLIMIT The Account Credit Limit 
UNIQUE The Unique Record Number  
EMAIL Email Address 
WEB Web Site Address 
CD DEPT The System Five Department assigned to the Customer, Supplier or Brand 
COMMENT:N The Comment lines N = The line number of the comment that is printed. 
FREEHEAD:N The Free form Header Text by Line Number N = The line number of the Free form Header text that is printed. 
FREEFORM:N The Free form Data Text by Line Number N = The line number of the Free form Data text that is printed. 
CUSTOMER Barcode Prints the account number as a Barcode. - For a Customer: If scanned, starts an invoice for that customer, or changes the customer on a current invoice. Although System Five prints the same information for Brands & Suppliers there is currently no use for these Barcodes.
CUSTOMER QUICK Prints the account number as a Barcode. - For a Customer: If scanned, starts a quick cash invoice for the customer, or changes the customer on a current invoice. Although System Five prints the same information for Brands & Suppliers there is currently no use for these Barcodes. 

You can also create a barcode for a clerk or customer to use in making invoices.  

Shipping Part Label

When creating a shipping part barcode label, the text code to display an invoice line's Z-sheet information is <ZSHEET>. <ZSHEET,-1> ensures that the entire text of the Z-sheet information is displayed.  

Re-Created By Steve Wind May 19 2021