If you are upgrading System Five on a Terminal Server, you must follow a different process to ensure that all the components necessary to run System Five are installed in the correct folders to be accessed by each Terminal Services user. You may want to consult with your IT people before performing these steps.
On the server running Terminal Services, it will be necessary to first change to “Install Mode” by opening a CMD prompt and typing:
change user /install (hit the enter key)
Then run SysteFiveSetup.exe file
Once the System Five upgrade is installed you will need to change back to “Application Mode” by opening a CMD prompt and typing:
change user /execute (hit the enter key)
Right click on SysteFiveSetup.exe and select Run as Administrator to begin the upgrade process.
If you see the Open File – Security Warning, this is expected. Please click the run Button to continue.
At this Welcome screen click Next to continue.
If you see the following screen you will need to refer to the Alternate Installation Documentation at the end of this document.
If you are taken to this screen click in the radial box next to Modify and click Next to continue.
Next you will need to expand the feature you don’t want to install and click on “Entire feature will be unavailable”.
It is STRONGLY recommended that you only upgrade System Five Training first to review that the new version is behaving the way you expect before moving forward with upgrading System Five Live. If you do not follow this procedure, you cannot undo the upgrade. The only way to go back to your previous version would be to restore from your last backup or to copies of the data and bin folders as discussed at the beginning of this document.
By default, both the Live and Training will be installed on the local hard drive. You only need to check the feature you don’t want. In this example I have clicked the little blue down arrow next to System Five Training and selected “Entire feature will be unavailable”. This placed a red x next to System Five Training, so training won’t be installed.
Click Next to continue.
Click Install
You will see the following window with the green progress bar.
When the installation is complete the progress bar will disappear and you can click the finish button to complete the installation.
If you are running the upgrade on a Terminal Services server, and you have performed the additional step mentioned earlier in this document, you must do this final step after the upgrade has installed.
You will need to change back to “Application Mode” by opening a CMD prompt and typing:
change user /execute (hit the enter key)