How to turn off the Remote POS Device Manager to prevent seeing the Test window in the Windward Software Cloud environment.

This should only be done if you are not using the Microsoft Outlook email Integration, and aren't using hardware like Pole Displays, Cash Drawers, weigh scales or credit card pin pads.

*** NOTE ***

You may need to be an admin user in System Five to access these settings.

 - Open System Five.

 - Open the System Five Navigator.

 - Click on Setup Tools.

 - Click on Setup Wizard.

 - Scroll down and click on Point of Sale Devices

 - Then click on Device Options

 - Then under Use Point of Sale Device Manager, click on None.


 - Click the close button and exit System Five.

Now when you restart System Five, it will no longer look for the Remote POS Device Manager and you won't see the test popup.

Created by Steve Wind Sept 20, 2024