
To print the new style QR barcode to a SATO label printer, you will need to create a code-based label.

Here is an example that prints a 1-1/8“ x 1-1/8” QR code




<ESC>H0290<ESC>V0040<ESC>RDB00,P20,P20,SCAN ME






<STX> is start-of-transmission

<ESC>A is the beginning of a command
<ESC>AR is standard length
<ESC>#E3 is 3 darkness on a scale of 1 to 3 (you can vary this).
<ESC>CS4 is 4“ per second printing
<ESC>Z is the end of a command.

<ESC>A is the beginning of a command
<ESC>H0290 is move 290 dots to the right from the leftmost possible edge. (you can vary this).
<ESC>V0040 is move down 40 dots down from the topmost possible edge. (you can vary this).
<ESC>RDB00,P20,P20,SCAN ME is use a CG Triumvirate font to print the words, “SCAN ME” 20 points wide by 20 points high. (you can vary this).

<ESC>H0300<ESC>V0100 is 300 dots across and 100 dots down. (you can vary this).
<ESC>BQ3008,2http://wws5.com is print a QR bar code for the “wws5.com” website. (you can vary this).

<ESC>H0210<ESC>V0350 is 210 dots across and 350 dots down. (you can vary this).
<ESC>RDB00,P16,P16,wws5.com is print “wws5.com” in a 16 point x 16 point font. (you can vary this).

<ESC>Q1 is print one label.

<ESC>Z is end of command.

<ETX> is end-of-transmission.