"Unable to authenticate the main dataset"

This Error Message Likely means that the Standalone Monitor is doing a look-up in the standalone table to find a matching “Machine” value and cannot find it.

The first steps to take would be to Shut down the Standalone Monitor, and determine the MAC Address of the standalone computer you are currently on. To do this you should download the MAC Check utility from F:\tools\MacCheck.exe. Double-click on the utility to run it and then click on Check MAC

You will want the one that looks like MAC (old method) = 8903-7955-9462-7689-1210-7689.

Now confirm that this is the MAC Address that is shown in the standalo.btr in the SAData\_datafiles folder. To do this you will need to open Pervasive Control Center and create a local database for the SAData.

Then open the standalo.btr file and you should see the same MAC Address that you saw in the MacCheck utility. You should also see the terminal number that this workstation is using.

If the MAC Address does not match what you saw in the MacCheck utility you need to change it so that it does match.

Next, you need to confirm that the same terminal number and MAC Address exist in the Standalo.btr file in the main dataset. In Pervasive Control Center, open the main Dataset. If it is not listed in PCC, you will need to create that database.

Now find and open the Standalo.btr in the main dataset.

You will likely see more than one line here, assuming that the customer has more than one standalone terminal. Find the terminal number of the machine you are working on. The terminal number is to the right of the MAC Addresses. Confirm that the MAC Address matches the one you saw in the MacCheck utility. If they now both match, you can now exit PCC and any other windows that are currently open, and restart the standalone monitor. You should now be able to synchronize your datasets.